three decades of slamfam

We started with two teams practicing on an asphalt at an elementary school. Thirty years on, our players and coaches have won local, state, and national titles, and chased the ball to all corners of the soccer world — including college, professional, international, and even the World Cup.


We are excited, honored, and humbled to see what the SlamFam has become.


This page is a collection of family stories and pictures from the past three decades. We asked some alums to help get us started with video messages, and now it's time to add yours.


Are you a current or former player? Coach? Family member? No matter the team or level or coach or year, we want to hear from you and celebrate with you. Here are a couple ways to do it:


  • Record a short video (phone is fine), and use the form below to upload it to our Google Drive. We'll add it to the growing library we've started on this page.


  • Send a picture (either from your SFC days or current) with a note.


Thank you, and here's to 30 more!


Add Your Message!

We want to keep adding and adding and adding to our library of SlamFam stories. Click the button below to be taken to our Google Form, where you can share your name, grad class, message, and videos/photos.


Photos and photo messages will be compiled here